Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jumping Ass First...

Chute Assis:
French for "sit flying", or free falling with one's seat presented to the relative wind.

I ended my gainful and enjoyable employment last week, choosing to take the month of July to prepare myself for jumping "with my seat presented to the relative wind" into the best journey I could have imagined for myself! In the next eight weeks, I will travel the east coast, marry my best friend and the love of my life, pack up my 3-bedroom apartment into a mini-van and a Toyota Corolla and move from Virginia to Northern California.

I read a particularly inspiring memoir 'Floor Sample' by Julia Cameron this past week - the unexpectedly amazing product of guilt brought on by too many chick-lit novels. (A girl can only read so much Emily Griffin by the pool before brain cells begin to die), and I find myself called again to creative writing in conjunction with my passion for yoga, nutrition and general ass-kicking in the name of fitness. I figured: what better way to share my journey with the amazing people in my life AND get my writing bug started than: a blog.

SO. Consider this blog my way of updating ... with photos and a few words (some inspired. some, I'm sure, rather uninspired) ... all of you that I love and treasure on what I anticipate being the most exciting few months of my life yet.


  1. first of all... Brenda is KILLING ME!!!!!

    Second of all...are you seriously riding that monster? or are you just posing/faking it?

    you deserve all the happiness in the world and i miss you (-_-)
    see you at your bridal-shower... make sure you pray before you open my gift :)

  2. Lady R-

    1. heh.
    2. rode said monster 2 minutes after posing with it.
    3. YAY! your mom's gift KILLED me!!! ha ha!

  3. Thanks for including me! I want to keep in touch (: (i had a veggie medley for lunch today!) you're the best

  4. Well, thank goodness you've created this blog, Anne, so that you won't have to endure my questioning. Enjoy every second of this journey and knowing you, you'll find joy all along the way. I want to see you before you leave VA, k?
