One of those friends (go team Harris!) started a book club and I happily joined!
So far, we have read:
Freedom, by Johnathan Franzen
Whatever you do... don't. read. this. book. A chronicle of the most agonizingly disgusting humans (and not in a fun, morbid curiosity way) in one long whine-fest of approximate 416 pages.
If nothing else - it gave us a lot to talk about.
Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin
If Freedom was all about the inability of the American people to be grateful for the blessings that they have, Three Cups of Tea was the antidote.
While the book dragged a bit in places, it was an amazing testament to the power of selflessness.
Plot: Greg Mortenson, after a failed attempt to summit K2, develops a burning passion for building schools in the poorest villages in Pakistan. His intent: To keep boys from being shuttled off to the well-structured extremist Islam schools while girls are left without education or to the failing Pakistani education system.
Key Message: Fight terrorism with education. Fight ignorance with love. Fight apathy with passion. If I took nothing else away from this book, I took away the knowledge that not all of Islam is radical and that the most rational way to fight the spread of radical Islam is to educate the next generation BEFORE they become terrorists.
- The eye opener of how much money we, as a culture, spend on meaningless objects.
- The amazing descriptions of the Pakistani mountains
- The sense of passion that Greg oozes through every page
- The book reads in fits and starts. It's really exciting! ... then you want to fall asleep.
- Greg's inability to see around his passion at times, to the detriment of his family and the organization that is funding the school projects.
The biggest similarity between the two books? Indoctrination in place of education yields frightening results.
That's it for library hour! I'm planning to blog at Chute Assis once a week or so as my life gets crazier and crazier - but want to keep you all updated and tell you how much I miss my friends and adopted families all over the United States.
Blessings to you all!
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