This business woman + wife took a very much needed vacation this weekend.
Despite having my smart phone/trusty sidekick attached to me... I managed to relax quite a bit!
Took a quick trip with the husband to Sin City to visit his family and did a little of this

A little of this

And a lot of this

It was such a blessing to step away from life, work and the sadness of losing Grandma and spend time with a bubbling family full of love.
Saturday was spent by the pool!
We just chilled out, grilled out and a few of us found out max face capacity

Saturday night, sister and I hit the Las Vegas strip!
Girls night out = martinis, slots and way too much mockery of the free "show" of weirdos.

Sunday, we hiked off the Martinis at Red Rock Canyon

Played a few "out for blood" rounds of Rook Sunday night (tried it. won. still not sure if I like it) ... then headed to the Yard House with Husband and sister for some silly drinks and vegetarian junk food.
(Vegetarian buffalo wings? Why YES, ahthankyou!)
Monday was a little more pool time... a lot of coordinating departures... dinner with the family... and a 2 hour delay at the airport thanks to San Francisco Fog.
Woo Hoo for free Wi-Fi! This girl got caught up on work! Back to the best job in the world tomorrow and on to another amazing and full week.
Be blessed, all!