The weekend was dreary and rainy and cold. And wonderful.
Saturday: Led a wonderful hike with a great group of people up Rhus Ridge. Promised one big hill. Delivered two. I aim to please. Followed it up with a trip to an awesome produce stand. Local. Organic. A whole bag of it. $12.
Sunday: nada. zip. zilch. a whole day of book reading, meditating, tea-drinking, movie-watching nothin' Oh. and I made an Indian food feast. Samosas with dipping sauce. Channa Masala. Dahl. Brown Rice. Yummy dinner with a yummy husband. :) A quick, 30-minute session on the Spin Bike at the apartment gym and it was off to bed!
Just one of those weekends that makes you happy to be alive.
Monday: Whew! What a day. Headed out this morning for a walk at the Stanford Dish with a new friend (hooray, Emily!) and did about an hour of rolling hills. Felt bomb. Ran to IKEA to pick up a footstool cushion. Left with a footstool cushion and snowflake string lights. (what!? who goes to IKEA and buys one thing?)
Picked up a prescription and bananas (I swear the hubs is a monkey with all those bananas...) and got a phone call. One I thought wasn't coming. A volunteer spot at the ACE Fitness and Health Symposium opened up!
SO. Not only am I going to the nuptials of Katie and Casey with E&J... I'll be coming back through Phoenix, hanging with the sis for a one-night layover, then jetting to San Diego for a 3-day conference at the San Diego Hilton Spa and Resort!!!

Now. Back to business administration and networking lead follow up...
Oh my gosh! Congrats!!! I'm incredibly jealous right now... what are you going to be doing at the ACE thing? Just volunteering? Who cares, that's awesome!